Appendix 1 – Proposals where objections are proposed to be upheld


1.         Site 1 Exmouth Place (Councillor Hilton)

1.1       The proposal at this location is to replace a section of permit holders only 9am-8pm with a blue badge holders only bay for a resident of Exmouth Place.

1.2       6 Objections have been received from local residents on the grounds that the resident no longer lives at the address.

1.3       The proposal follows a request by a resident of Exmouth Place for a disabled bay. It has been subsequently confirmed by officers that the applicant no longer lives at the address. The applicant did request for the bay to be provided for another resident of the road, officers attempted to contact the resident, but did not receive a response.

1.4       Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to withdraw the proposal.

1.5       At the time of writing, Councillor Hilton has not replied to provide their views regarding the recommendation.

1.6       Recommendation: To uphold the objections and withdraw the proposal.


2.         Site 2 Queens Road, Wellington Place, York Gardens (Councillor Daniel)

2.1       The proposal at this location is to extend the loading ban operation time from 10am-4pm to 10am-9pm and change the prohibition of driving to reflect the loading ban changes.

2.2       Twelve objections have been received, one of which has been withdrawn and two have changed to support the proposal. Two objections are on the grounds that the loading ban time needs to be increased, two objections are on the grounds that the area of the proposals needs to be increased. Two objections are on the grounds that the time needs to be decreased. One objection is on the grounds that businesses would not be able to operate and there is a need to load and unload during the proposed time. One objection is on the grounds that they will no longer be able to collect goods and need access. One objection is on the grounds of the displacement parking caused by the proposal. Fourteen items of support have been received on this proposal.

2.3       The proposal follows a request for changes from a County Councillor to address safety concerns in the area, reports of near misses involving pedestrians and vehicles and one personal injury incident.

2.4       Having considered the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for the proposals to be withdrawn at this time. The current proposal does not meet the demanding needs of all those that utilise Wellington Place for loading and unloading. To alleviate the current conflicting demands and recognising that there are safety concerns in respect of the current arrangements, we will be working with businesses and delivery drivers to use existing restrictions in the area for the benefit of pedestrians. Whilst monitoring the effectiveness of the current restrictions, further consideration will be given to the possible need for reducing access time for vehicles to load and unload. If further changes are identified this could be done as a standalone Traffic Regulation Order.  It should be noted that should Members wish to go against the recommendation and not uphold the objections, then the proposal will require consideration through a Public Inquiry, in accordance with The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 part II regulation 9.  This will delay implementation of other proposals that are to be implemented through this Traffic Regulation Order.

2.5       Recommendation: To uphold the objections and withdraw the proposal.


3.         Site 3 St Pauls Road (Councillor Webb)

3.1       The proposal at this location is to extend and formalise an existing advisory disabled bay outside 6 St Pauls Road.

3.2       The proposal follows reports of misuse by non-blue badge holders. The disabled parking bays are currently advisory therefore no enforcement action can be taken if a vehicle parks without displaying a valid blue badge.

3.3       One objection has been received, which has been subsequently withdrawn. Officers were advised that the bay was no longer needed and therefore a usage survey was conducted. It was established that there was not a need for the bay and the advisory bay can be removed.  

3.4       Officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to withdraw the proposal.

3.5       Recommendation: To withdraw the proposal.